Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Matt Parker from the Exodus Road has built an empire by colluding with unscrupulous police officers in Thailand. Now, news has come out that the Deputy Police Chief, Surachate Hakparn, aka, “Big Joke,” has been accused of money laundering in connection with an illegal online gambling operation. Read the article below!
The investigation will go forward, and unfortunately many of the good organizations who are working to make a difference, and help individuals who are being trafficked and or exploited are going to suffer the consequences of the relationship between Matt Parker and “Big Joke.” Too many good people are going to be hindered from helping vulnerable children. Sources say it will be official very soon. Matt Parker and The Exodus Road will once again be under investigation. Reliable sources confirm they have knowledge of a partnership between “Big Joke,” and Matt Parker.
In 2010, Matt and Laura Parker began their mission in Northern Thailand. I believe the two were well-intending individuals back then. From all reports of individuals who worked with them, and knew them in their early days of ministry in Thailand; say they were giving and generous. Koi, a young lady who lived in a village where the Parker’s worked, claims they had good hearts, and such joy for the children. Many people have I spoken with believed the Parker’s were there for the long haul. They believed Laura when she spoke about seeing their ministry and work all the way through to the end. They never believed the Parker’s would up and abandon their work so soon. However, the allure of wealth, power, and fame diluted their vision. The two conspired to form an organization of deceit. They now find themselves entangled in a web of lies, false narratives, and investigations. It’s unfortunate!! Their humble beginnings are now a big JOKE.
First, Matt claims to have been deputized by the police. It all started when he saw a real issue! Let’s assume he had good intentions back then. He began to research child trafficking and exploitation throughout the area and the local villages. Unfortunately, this is where he found his avenue to exploit the vulnerable. As a self-proclaimed entrepreneur and visionary, Matt quickly pounced on the opportunity. It appears he had specific motives for the work he was about to encounter. One, it seems apparent he couldn’t resist the young girls in the beer bars and the massage parlors. He needed a reason to be in those places! So, he concocted a plan! As a visionary, he noticed an underfunded, under resourced police department. He began researching, and compiling information about the beer bars and massage parlors. He supposedly passed this information off to local police. He must have had a lot of evidence from his research, because he spent an enormous amount of time in these establishments with these young girls. The only problem, investigators haven’t obtained the same story from the local police he supposedly worked with in this area. This is concerning, as it was with Laura. According to an article from the Denver Voice, Laura was hesitant at first. She assumed it would take Matt just a short time to complete his research. However, Matt had different plans. I believe this is when he saw an opportunity to live out various fantasies. The allure of young girls, fame and wealth was too much to turn down. Thus, the formation of “The Exodus Road.”
The tragedy is Matt and Laura saw a real need! Young girls are victimized and exploited in beer bars and massage parlors, however, the story of The Exodus Road doesn’t add up. As previously mentioned, Matt witnessed police officers who were unfunded, lacked training, and or were corrupt. This is when it appears Matt the Visionary Entrepreneur saw an avenue to attain, wealth, fame, and to live out his fantasies. He quickly gathered stories of vulnerable children who needed help. He then elicited support from good hearted individuals who truly believed he was going to help vulnerable children. It’s apparent he is lying about be deputized. This is a fabricated story. As an American, he is not eligible to be deputized, and there are no local police to be found who will verify his claims. Matt noticed two important elements going on in Northern Thailand. One, there are vulnerable and exploited girls, and two, there is an underfunded and under-resourced police department. He used his Visionary Powers to morph the two into a money-making scheme. The Evangelical Church in America is being fooled!
Secondly, the money from the delusional lies! Matt always refers to needing more resources. Yes, this is true, organizations and communities need better resources. However, resources is a code word in the NGO world. Resources just means, WE NEED MONEY ON HAND! Resources is an abstract term used by The Exodus Road in order to use money as Matt and Laura deem suitable for them. By cultivating a false narrative, Matt began fleecing the Evangelical church with wild stories, and fictional partnerships. He must be held accountable for his stories. Matt needs to come public with answers. Who deputized you? What is the name of the individual who deputized you? What police force or agency deputized you? Where is the paperwork? There are many ways to frame the question, but there needs to be an answer to this wild claim that he was deputized. I would like to make a point that this matters. If you lie about something so trivial, what else will you lie about? It’s just a blatant lie!! It’s part of the scheme.
The article below refers to Matt’s claims of being a Thai Police Officer.
Lastly, let’s look at the association with Thai Deputy Police Chief, “Big Joke.” A recent poll conducted shows that 70% of Thai citizens distrust the Thai National Police Unit. Many citizens believe greed to be a major reason for corruption. Here is where Matt and Laura Parker benefit the most. They parade a false narrative to the American Church. They use donor money to buy police influence. They use donor money to fake rescues and to try to place good innocent Thai families in jail. Matt and Laura have fallen far from their humble beginnings in Northern Thailand. It’s all about fame, wealth, and living the “Hollywood” lifestyle. There is an intricate web of lies and deceit. There are concealed levels of dishonesty. It is abundantly clear that Matt and Laura have cultivated an image of altruism and heroism. These two individuals walk in a very concerning darkness. Their organization is under investigation. They have cast a dark cloud over other honest organizations that are truly trying to fight for the vulnerable. Matt is a leader with very questionable actions and an appearance of immorality. He and Laura bring in an enormous salary. They stay in fancy hotels and dine at lavish restaurants in Pattaya, and Bangkok. This self-proclaimed visionary stumbled into the golden goose. Don’t be deceived he understands that a false narrative will allow him to fleece the sheep in Colorado Springs. He understands immensely the value of using the police force to give him the appearance that he is deputized, and he uses the police force to set up innocent bar owners who are attempting to provide livable wages for the Thai people. AND NOW HE STANDS UNDER INVESTIGATION.
This article explains the distrust of the National Police. The people of Thailand know, but so does Matt Parker. That’s why he’s using donor money to pay these police. He needs them to do his bidding