Picture above: Desperate Dirk and Praying Bobbie
Ted Lyons,
Let’s talk about being unqualified for a moment. Here’s a man, named Dirk Currier. He has no law enforcement background, other than being from a crime city like Chicago, Illinois. I guess with his Chicago roots he will fit right in with the likes of all the other criminals associating with, and leading The Exodus Road. So, Dirk, the unqualified pastor from Chicago is the assistant volunteer director of all “Delta Operatives” (seriously people, quit using military jargon) with The Exodus Road.
Ok, let’s put your mind at ease. He’s passed an intense vetting process. What vetting process? Who’s ‘doing the vetting? He’s actively working with national investigators and law enforcement? People, don’t be fooled. Church, wake up grow a pair! Here’s a guy, who has no law enforcement background. His wife was skeptical that he could even do this kind of work. It’s time that people understand that donors and volunteers are being duped by a master manipulator named Matt Parker. When you put an individual like Dirk in the field to do undercover work, and you expect to yield results that are going to make systemic change in villages, cities, and countries, you are deeply deceived.
This Delta squad of superheroes is collecting evidence and critical intelligence for their police partners. The huge problem is that most of this evidence is not credible in court, it doesn’t meet the criteria to convict. The even bigger problem is, that the evidence they are collecting is not credible, because it’s fictitious. So, when The Exodus Road says “The work of investigations is gritty work, but it results in real freedom for the most vulnerable and abused.” You can be sure this is a fabricated case, and they are carrying out their false narrative. For years Dirk and his wife were pastors of a couple of different churches. It’s amazing how these volunteer investigators can accomplish so much more than trained police officers. It’s amazing how these volunteer investigators are so much better at thwarting sex trafficking than the United States FBI. Really! Please think through this garbage, and use some common sense.
Even Dirk didn’t think he would ever be qualified to do this kind of work. I for one believe his initial feeling to be correct. However, he was good at sitting back and blending in, which he believes to be a required skill. Yes, this is true! Unfortunately the beer bars where he is sitting and blending in, there is NO criminal activity going on. Every girl that he bought a drink for, and every girl that he had sit on his lap and rub his legs was there because they are trying to make money for their families. But, oh Dirk, he believes he’s a superhero as well. Dirk, seriously, it’s easy to blend into a beer bar with scantily clothed woman. Just admit it, you like being in these beer bars with young pretty girls. I will post a picture of his wife. You be the judge! I bet you conclude that oh Dirk was having himself a good ole time. I can see why he convinced his wife to move to Pattaya.
Let’s delve a little deeper into the lies that Dirk spews. He says he’s walked into many brothels over the past several years and has seen children. First off, a beer bar is not a brothel. And secondly, yes, there are at times children in beer bars and KTV’s, however, they’re not there to pleasure Dirk. Trust me, Dirk, these parents don’t want you touching their little girls. Also, almost every girl who works in a beer bar or a KTV knows why they are there. YES!!! I understand there is a world of human trafficking that takes place. Yes, I understand that some girls are abducted and forced into sexual slavery. HOWEVER!!!!!!! PLEASE LISTEN!!!!! The places that ole Dirk and The Exodus Road operate are not these kinds of places. Dirk and his little band of merry volunteers are not going to fit into these dark hidden establishments. Once again, trained law enforcement officers have a difficult time fitting in these places. And lastly, The Exodus Road was founded so Matt Parker could live out fantasies. He allows others to participate in his little scheme. They all know they’re having the time of their life with these young girls. The purpose of The Exodus Road is to make money and to live out fantasies.
Finally, Dirk explains that the culture and religion of Asia is such that young girls are honored to provide for their families. DIRK, yes, you are correct. And this is what they are doing. They are providing for their families. However, individuals like Dirk and Matt Parker want to be superheroes, make money, and live like Hollywood Stars. They lie about the real narrative! The real narrative is; that these girls need and want to make money. Trust me, Dirk and Matt Parker are liars. Girls in beer bars are not being drugged. They do not have their passports taken from them. They are free to come and go as they wish. The problem with a false narrative and the problem with the lies that The Exodus Road spews is it takes time, money, and a lot of other resources away from the real issue and the real victims of human trafficking.
Dirk’s wife prays every time he goes on an operation. They call them deployments! That’s funny. All these volunteer clowns living out some fictional fantasy. Actually, Dirk, Matt and Laura are getting a good kick out of your volunteer work. They’re making BANK. I mean it’s Matt and Laura making the money while Dirk is out playing ole Barney Fife. But, back to Dirk’s wife praying! Let me tell you how to pray. You don’t need to pray for Dirk’s safety. You need to pray that your husband stops living out his fantasies in the arms of a young pretty girl. Oh, you might throw in a prayer for that young girl, it looks like Dirk can be pretty desperate at times!!! Go easy Dirk, Go easy!!!