The Bad Actors of Anti-Trafficking: The Top Five in Thailand

The fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation has become big business. According to the International Labour Organization, Walk Free, and the International Organization for Migration, there are an estimated 50 million people trafficked around the world. This is up from their last report in 2017, in which they estimated 40 million people. Despite numerous organizations being formed, and millions of dollars being poured into the fight to rescue and restore survivors the number of human trafficking victims continues to rise around the world. It’s the old adage, that it’s more profitable to treat the symptoms than it is to cure the disease.

Looking at the plethora of organizations being formed, and the exorbitant salaries that the chief executives are given every year, you would think the numbers would be dropping. There are thousands of NGOs worldwide fighting human trafficking. Unfortunately, many of these NGOs are guided and driven by a “cult of personality.” NGOs are operating as marketing firms. They peddle a false narrative and market their non-profit money-making machine with a fervent zeal to achieve fame and fortune. These unscrupulous organizations, and their leaders “exploit exploitation.” These are “bad actors.

An Interview with Matt Parker, The Exodus Road Co-Founder ...

There is a great need for NGOs and non-profits. However, the fight against human trafficking has become a lucrative career. The non-profit world is rife with leaders who are full of hubris and narcissistic tendencies. These leaders revel in their fame, believing themselves to be superheroes and saviors. High salaries, fine dining, and luxury travel around the world all in the name of helping vulnerable and abused women, and children. These individuals who are trapped in labor trafficking and exploitation would love to enjoy these comforts. NGO leaders are “rock star bandits” who use stories, pictures, and videos of vulnerable people to create false narratives with the desire to build a large non-profit marketing firm.

The most egregious part is not just the luxurious lifestyles, it’s the character and ethics these bad actors exude. There are credible reports and accusations of leaders involved in sexual encounters with volunteers and sex workers alike. The blatant hypocrisy is alarming. Many of these organizations guided by bad actors have set up shop in Thailand. They come with hypocritical standards. Their backgrounds are skewed with sex, money laundering, and psychological abuse. These nefarious leaders know how to manipulate the American Evangelical Church. Their intentions are not to help women and children. They intend to build a marketing firm via an NGO. They are experts in “exploiting exploitation.”             

  1. Matt and Laura Parker from The Exodus Road.

Colorado Springs non-profit Exodus Road has rescued hundreds of survivors from sex trafficking | Lifestyle |

Matt and Laura have created an effective marketing firm disguised as an NGO. These two are the most arrogant narcissistic individuals in the anti-trafficking community.

The arrogance of Matt Parker, the founder and CIO of The Exodus Road is palpable. Here is a recent YouTube video,

It becomes completely apparent that this man is a narcissist, with serious deceptive motives. The Exodus Road uses sensationalized videos and pictures that do not capture the entire truth of their narrative. It is important to understand the differences between “sex work,” and human trafficking. Matt and Laura Parker use undercover video footage in Thailand without regard for the truth. They show scenes of individuals and establishments without proper context regarding the actual situation. They are leading individuals into believing a false narrative. Human trafficking and sexual exploitation do exist. It is evil and reprehensible. However, the Parkers are “exploiting exploitation.”

The Exodus Road has been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior. They have been accused by former staff of mistreatment in the workplace.  Here is a link to credible sources identifying their bad behavior.

Several girls working in bars have been shown pictures of Matt Parker, and his merry band of “volunteer cowboys.” Many of these girls have shared stories of being inappropriately touched and spoken to in a sexually explicit manner. The Exodus Road Marketing Firm focuses on adult entertainment districts because they can entice male volunteers to pay for a red-light experience. These men carry out sexual fantasies under the guise of fighting sex slavery. It is also easy to sell the false narrative of “sexual slavery” to the American Evangelical Church. It’s a creative marketing strategy. The Exodus Road gives the illusion they are “disrupting darkness,” when in essence they are telling fictional stories and saving money on investigation costs by having volunteers “pay to play.” The Exodus Road disrupts good working individuals from making a living. The Exodus Road disrupts law enforcement from working on actual cases and going after criminal syndicates. The Exodus Road disrupts much-needed resources to bring help and solutions to addressing the root causes of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. The Exodus Road marketing firm has successfully “exploited exploitation.”

It’s important to understand the operating methods of The Exodus Road. They practice deceitful tactics by creating their own “trafficking” cases. They illegally attempt to set up bar owners and staff for crimes by paying underage girls to use fake IDs to gain employment within legal establishments. They notify the police pretending to have discovered a case of exploitation. After an arrest, and the fictional rescue of an underage plant, they market their deceit to evangelicals as “SUPER HEROES.” For Matt and Laura, it isn’t about helping children, it’s about their lifestyle and bank account. They understand the heartstrings of the Evangelical Church in America. They are experts at “exploiting exploitation.”

Here is a great link to read about all of the nefarious actions of The Exodus Road.

Tim Ballard

  1. Operation Underground Railroad

OPERATION UNDERGROUND RAILROAD was founded by Tim Ballard, who has since resigned from OUR after sexual misconduct allegations surfaced.,defendant%20in%20four%20civil%20lawsuits.

It would be easy to look past Operation Underground Railroad. One might think now that Tim Ballard is gone the organization is on the straight and narrow doing good and generous work for vulnerable individuals. However, this would be a mistake. Tim Ballard was a “rock star,” but he built “OUR” with friends and like-minded individuals. The same shameful tactics used by Ballard are still being used by OUR operatives today.


Tim Ballard and Robin Towle attend the premiere of "Sound of Freedom" on June 28, 2023 in Vineyard, Utah.

Ballard is currently a defendant in four civil lawsuits accusing him of sexual misconduct. Ballard a lifelong member of the Latter Day Saints Church was excommunicated for lying about his relationship with LDS leaders; implying they gave him permission to do what he needed to do in order to rescue children who were trapped in commercial sexual exploitation. Ballard is accused of using the president of the LDSs name for personal gain as well as a justification for sexual conduct, so long as it was for the saving of “God’s Children.” He is also the subject of seven criminal investigations.

Ballard and other OUR staff members are accused of numerous sexual messages being exchanged between male and female undercover operatives. These messages are reportedly extremely explicit in nature. Vice News reports,

“It was ultimately revealed through disturbingly specific and parallel accounts, that Tim has been deceitfully and extensively grooming and manipulating multiple women for the past few years with the ultimate intent of coercing them to participate in sexual acts with him, under the premise of going where it takes and doing ‘whatever it takes’ to save a child.”

Vice News has also reported numerous claims made by Tim Ballard and OUR staff members. These claims overstate operation successes with no clear evidence. The operational tactics of OUR are used by many of the “raid and rescue” organizations. According to Vice News, volunteers are concerned that Ballard and OUR are creating a demand for sex trafficking. They claim by walking around red-light districts in foreign countries and asking for underage girls, they are in essence creating a demand that would not previously be there. There are also claims that OUR exaggerates their relationships with law enforcement. They use a similar tactic that many NGOs use. They make a small donation to law enforcement and then embellish their role in the case. Like many other organizations, OUR claims to have extensive aftercare programs. However, they outsource the aftercare but take credit. This is all part of the marketing firm approach these organizations use.  https://antihumantraffickingbadactors.

What makes OUR dangerous and unethical are the fabricated rescue stories. The pattern of misrepresentation and exaggeration is disturbing, misleading, and highly unethical. Ballard created an organization that is still saturated with devious individuals. They attempt to investigate and set up legal establishment owners and their staff. They desire to gain donations and popularity through a false and misleading narrative.


Christine Caine | #BREAKINGNEWS @A21: Today, we celebrate ...

  1. A21 and Christine Caine


A21, was founded by Christine Caine, a woman who should not be trusted. A21 is a global nonprofit anti-trafficking organization. They are committed to eradicating human trafficking through awareness, intervention, and aftercare. However, they have recently morphed into a raid and rescue informant. A21 was founded by Christine Cane. It’s interesting how she wants to travel the world and speak about helping young girls escape sex trafficking. She has built an empire by writing books and speaking to evangelicals. She began her career at the infamous Hillsong Church in Australia. This link will describe the character of Christine Caine by exposing who she associates with.

Christine who is supposed to be an advocate for the vulnerable and the abused, however, she chose to remain silent when her friends were committing egregious acts. She still hasn’t commented on her association with the Houston cover-up. The article below explains how Brian Houston is under investigation for the crimes his father Frank committed. Frank was a prominent Assemblies of God leader in New Zealand. In the 90s it came to light that he was abusing young boys since the 1960s. Of course with a record label and a worldwide audience, Hillsong Church went into cover-up mode. Not wanting to lose her place at the table, Christine remained silent. Is this the leader you want? How is she qualified to help children around the world? She remained silent as the children in her church were being abused.


Benjamin Hastings of Hillsong UNITED performs on stage on openin

Christine’s silence afforded her the privileges of private jets, designer clothes, expensive handbags, and gold. She has been able to stay in five-star resorts and luxury hotels. Her global travels are full of glitz and glamour. All the while she remained silent among all of the abuse, infidelity, and exploitation. Christine believes she is better than everyone else. She has enjoyed the life of a celebrity while scandals encompass all around her. She has lived a high life from heartfelt donations from people around the world. She continues to exploit exploitation.


A21 actively investigates throughout Thailand looking to make paper headlines. Their investigators are known for heavy drinking, doing lots of shots, and inappropriately touching girls. They are connected with raid rescue organizations. They use the stories and false narratives to raise money for their executive leaders.


Christine Caine is deeply connected to Hillsong Church and its founder, Brian Houston.


Christine has also been accused of plagiarism.

According to Roys Report Podcast March 1, 2022.

“In 2016, Christian author Carey Scott was the victim of plagiarism by a major celebrity—international speaker and evangelist Christine Caine. Caine reportedly copied entire portions of Scott’s book, forcing Scott to take legal action to settle the issue. Yet for Scott, the negative impact of this event lingers. Meanwhile, Caine, who never apologized, continues to enjoy the spotlight.”

Devoted Christians celebrating Easter Sunday at the Hillsong Church




The TAMAR center in Pattaya. It’s run by a wanna be Mafia Boss, Daniel Vaupel. He keeps a tight grip on the anti-trafficking community in Pattaya.

Daniel attempts to control all of the anti-trafficking work in Pattaya. He discourages any new organizations he isn’t able to intimidate. He lies to donors pretending they are rescuing trafficked women. They con volunteers to go around to bars in Pattaya to spy on bar owners and their staff. They are attempting to gather information to feed back to their connected friends in raid rescue organizations. This gives him publicity and enhances his money-making marketing scheme. Tamar Center is heavily linked financially with YWAM and has been criticized for spiritual abuse, the same accusations that Daniel has received.

410+ Undercover Surveillance Stock Photos, Pictures ...

These undercover spies are volunteered missionaries claiming to be English teachers. They try to convert working girls and entice them to come and work in Daniel’s hotel and bakery. They try to trick girls into leaving highly paid sex work, where a majority are happy. The problem is these girls make no money working in these bakeries. Daniel claims to pay almost 15,000 baht a month. However, most girls can make close to or more than that in just a few days. Why would they want to work for Daniel?

Daniel Vaupel surrounds himself with naive Christian women (volunteer missionaries) who believe everything he says. Daniel desires to be the main man in Pattaya when it comes to destroying bars and feeding information back to raid and rescue organizations. He is closely aligned with Matt Parker and The Exodus Road. He has mentioned, that The Exodus Road does a great job of rescuing young women. He has also mentioned, “Sometimes you have to set these bar owners up, for the good of everyone.” He calls bar owners and managers “dangerous and evil men.”  Daniel does not want other Christian men around his business. He is very protective of his territory. When other Christian men attempt to help, he discredits them and tries to damage their reputation.


Daniel markets his false narrative to the Evangelical Church. He collects donations and enjoys the fruit of labor from volunteer missionaries. When you take a close look at the women Daniel is supposedly rescuing you will notice that they are older women who need money, but don’t have the youth and appearance to attract customers in beer bars. They leave, not because they want to be rescued, they leave because they are out of options. Daniel loves to claim success and tell everyone they were rescued from bars. Unfortunately, these ladies also find out there is no job at the end of their training, and the lady’s family suffers financial losses. Tamar Center causes more harm than good, all for the sake of Daniel lining his pockets.


God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue: Walker, Daniel: 9780830838066: Books



Daniel Walker, the founder was caught with a sex worker. Now he is in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Daniel is an undercover police officer who has spent years going into brothels and beer bars. Daniel has traveled the world going into famous red-light districts and countries of high-sex tourism. He was a devoted family man, who spent long hours and days away from home. He shares his story of sexual failure. While in Eastern Europe he met a woman while on an operation. He quickly discovered she was not a sex trafficking victim. He then took her back to his hotel room and had sex with her. This is the case for most of these raid and rescue organizations. Almost every operative understands that in red-light districts, the women are not being trafficked. They are willing sex workers. Daniel understood this and enjoyed the pleasures of his new friend.

There are glaring issues with Daniel’s story. First, I would like to know how his “indiscretion” came to light. Secondly, I don’t believe this was Daniel’s first and only moment of weakness. Any man will tell you, you are thinking about it for a long time before you will commit adultery. And finally! If he was in secrecy, and nobody knew what he was doing, a man will conclude they could get by with it. I don’t believe Daniel’s story that he just came clean.

Live chat: Undercover investigator Daniel Walker - NZ Herald

Daniel a committed husband, found out that this woman had not been forced into sex work. Daniel proclaims he was a devout husband and believed in the sanctity of marriage. He claimed he was always faithful. He writes in his book, God in a Brothel, “This was who I was.” He then peddles garbage to readers and tries to convince them that “within the space of five seconds, I betrayed all that I was, all that I stood for and believed in as well as my marriage vows, my wife my integrity, my role, my very life.” The only thing about his story and his confession is, it doesn’t happen in five seconds. It takes multiple times to give in to temptation. Almost any man who has been with a sex worker will tell you that it wasn’t the first or the last time. Any man who has “cheated” on his wife will tell you it was not a one-time event. Men get by with what they can get by with. Daniel lost his job and his marriage. But, now he is in Thailand attempting to rebrand himself.


He claims he went through months of counseling and soul-searching. He claims to have defeated his wrongful desires and he has forgiven himself. He believes his failure will benefit and help others to not go down the same path as him. Now he runs an organization out of Chiang Mai, Thailand. All indications are Daniel is still up to his old self. He surrounds himself with raid and rescue organizations. He is part of a small group of NGOs who are looking to set up bar owners with underage girls using fake IDs. Daniels’s past law enforcement experience has allowed him to gain vital alliances with differing police agencies throughout Thailand. He creates a false narrative and false trafficking situations to market his non-profit. He pays police bribes in exchange for using their successful cases and claiming them as his own. LIFT is another marketing NGO. They thrive off a false narrative and solicit funds from the Evangelical Church.


It’s disturbing and harmful that these NGOs operate as marketing firms when there are real human trafficking cases to attend to. The previously mentioned NGOs are the top five bad actors in Thailand. There are more that align with these organizations, making it dangerous for working girls and legal establishments. Each non-profit listed was founded and run by nefarious individuals only looking out for themselves. They will create false narratives to market morality to Evangelicals and Mormons. The heightened hypocrisy of these individuals who “exploit exploitation” is incredible. Each comes from a dark and deceitful lifestyle. They are all under investigation. They remain silent when it doesn’t benefit them. They partake in sexual exploits. They live lives of fame and fortune using the stories of the most vulnerable to solicit donations. The leaders of these NGOs want to act as if they are “superheroes and saviors.” However, their own lives are filled with sexual encounters and money mismanagement. Former staff from each organization have stated sexual misconduct, mistreatment of employees, and deceit. These five organizations control many of the smaller NGOs. They use them as pawns in their marketing scheme. Smaller NGOs often provide Intel and investigative resources, allowing for a better profit margin for the top five. In conclusion! These five need to be exposed for the marketing scams they are. “They have mastered the art of exploiting exploitation.”

thailand sex trafficking






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