agency word art - marketing agency stock illustrationsAlumni Matt and Laura Parker run a nonprofit that helps find ...

It’s all just a marketing company disguised as a humanitarian organization. There needs to be honesty and integrity throughout the anti-trafficking community. There are hundreds of NGOs forming around the world every year. So, many people want to engage in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Great needs and issues need to be addressed and solved. Throughout various parts of the world, children are being sexually abused and exploited. Young boys are forced to fight in militias and work in extreme conditions with little to no pay. There is a real battle! There are real victims of trafficking and exploitation. However, too many organizations are “exploiting exploitation” for personal fame and monetary gains. There are thousands of good people working in honest NGOs. The problem exists when an NGO, namely The Exodus Road, works under the guise of humanitarian outreach when they are only facilitating a portion of their donor funds to solve the problem. The Exodus Road operates like a marketing firm. Their operating procedures are dishonest and misleading.


The Exodus Road intends to rescue victims of human trafficking worldwide. Their website declares their motto. “We Envision A World In Which Humans Are Never Bought, Sold, Or Exploited.”

Their Mission: “We disrupt the darkness of modern-day slavery by partnering with law enforcement to fight human trafficking crime, equipping communities to protect the vulnerable, and empowering survivors as they walk into freedom.”


The Exodus Road deceives individuals with false narratives. They market their propaganda to the Evangelical Church in America. They partner with wealthy business and religious leaders to raise millions in donated funds. They use keywords such as modern-day slavery to prey upon the emotions and good hearts of evangelicals. The crime of human trafficking and exploitation is complex. The Exodus Road uses mainstream evangelical Christians’ morality to solicit donations for their efforts in fighting trafficking and exploitation. They use illegal video footage of legal establishments in foreign countries. The Exodus Road does not attempt to distinguish between sex work, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. Their work consists of paying police bribes to raid establishments in red-light districts. This, in turn, enables The Exodus Road to market their work and their fight against modern-day slavery. They write stories and produce videos claiming they are saving young girls from sexual slavery. They refer to these young ladies as sex slaves. Unfortunately, these “sex slaves” are not actually in slavery. Most individuals who work in these legal establishments have free will to come and go. They take great offense to being called a slave. This is disrespectful and extremely demeaning to these girls. However, The Exodus Road will take a false abstract narrative to elicit emotional responses from good-hearted evangelicals. Evangelicals have been taught sex work is wrong. They view prostitution as a sin. Such as sex before marriage in evangelical theology is a sin. This is where creative and clever marketing tactics are leveraged against the evangelical church. Matt Parker, the founder of The Exodus Road is a self-proclaimed entrepreneur. He and his wife, Laura, understand how to package this false narrative and market it to the uninformed evangelical community.

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Their claim of equipping communities is exaggerated rhetoric. They do little to nothing to help local communities. They focus on legal establishments where they can ascertain video footage of sex workers. The real battle should begin in the local villages and communities from where these girls derive from. The need and desire to make money for their families is of great importance and vital for survival. Many communities lack educational and employment opportunities. NGOs could teach marketable skills to these girls in their home villages. However, video footage of helping young girls in a village does not resonate with donors like showing clips and scenes of girls working in beer bar establishments. It is easier for The Exodus Road to peddle their false propaganda by insinuating these girls are modern-day slaves. An individual might have a personal or religious belief that believes sex work, or prostitution is wrong, however, it is disingenuous to make false assumptions about the working conditions and reasons why these young ladies chose to work in legal beer bars and adult establishments. Instead, The Exodus Road understands how to market and raise money using deceitful tactics.


There is an actual need for individuals to battle against trafficking and exploitation. There are young girls, boys, men, and women being bought and sold every day. Young girls are being abused and exploited. Human trafficking is mostly hidden and complex. It’s unfortunate that many NGOs such as The Exodus Road focus on the area that has the least amount of trafficking and exploitation. For starters, Matt Parker knows he can’t disrupt modern-day slavery. Modern-day slavery is mostly operated through criminal syndicates. His merry band of “volunteer cowboys” have no chance of rescuing real victims, and arresting real criminals. Their false narrative and operating procedures make it difficult to bring awareness to real issues and real crimes. Their marketing scheme takes millions away from helping solve the root causes of human trafficking and exploitation. They do not partner and assist with law enforcement. The Exodus Road wastes vital resources and law enforcement efforts. They bribe police officials to fixate on red-light districts. They have even been accused of paying underage girls to use fake ID cards to create a story and bring charges and arrests against legal bar owners and their employees. In other instances, organizations like The Exodus Road just pay law enforcement for the information of an arrest they had no part in. This works as such. A law enforcement official will inform an organization that they have a case or an arrest. The NGO will then just pay the police for the information and details of the case. This sounds harmless. What could be wrong with paying the police and helping them with resources? Because it’s deceitful and dishonest! The NGO perpetuates a false narrative, claiming it was their efforts and expertise that brought about rescue and an arrest when all they did was pay the police for information. This allows an NGO to save money on manpower, and the resources to adequately investigate.

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The Exodus Road has mastered this nefarious marketing strategy. They have become experts at “exploiting exploitation.” Matt and Laura Parker have established a marketing firm under the guise of an NGO. By creating a non-profit, The Exodus Road takes advantage of tax breaks and tax write-offs. They use their non-profit branding to solicit funding from individuals who believe the false narrative perpetrated by creative writers, and social media content creators. They exaggerate and embellish their role in most cases. The false sensationalized narrative resonates within the evangelical church, raising millions in donations. The operating costs are minimal for The Exodus Road. It would be too expensive to address the root causes of trafficking and exploitation. It would be too dangerous to investigate and disrupt a criminal syndicate. It would take many hours of training to go undercover and gain access to the backrooms and the hidden brothels where actual children are being abused and exploited. It would cost money for this training and the investigative resources needed to embark upon this type of operation. This is why The Exodus Road Marketing Firm focuses on adult entertainment districts. It’s easy to sell the false narrative of “sexual slavery” to an audience who believes sex outside of marriage to be a sin. It’s a creative marketing strategy. The Exodus Road gives the illusion they are “disrupting darkness,” when in essence they are telling fictional stories and saving money on investigation costs and aftercare help. The Exodus Road disrupts good working individuals from making a living. The Exodus Road disrupts law enforcement from working on actual cases and going after criminal syndicates. The Exodus Road disrupts much-needed resources to bring help and solutions to addressing the root causes of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. This is all done for high-paying salaries for a few executive leaders within the NGO. Their marketing firm has successfully “exploited exploitation.”


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