The Narrative is an illusion!
by Ted Lyons,
The Tamar Center wants to create a false illusion of their work in Pattaya. The Exodus Road controls the Tamar Center. Matt Parker is the puppet master! He is close to the Colorado-based organization, Youth With A Mission (YWAM.) YWAM runs the Tamar Center. The center was started in 1999 to help women who are working in the sex industry.
Let’s address the first issue! Why does the Evangelical Church believe they need to assert their morality, and religious ideology upon the people of Southeast Asia? To be Thai is to be Buddhist. This is the general belief of over 96% of natural born citizens of Thailand. The Tamar Center stands ready to help women who are ready to leave the beer establishments. Tamar offers them housing, vocational training, counseling, and biblical teaching. Ah, there it is!!! Biblical teaching. Tamar panders to the Evangelical Church. To keep the offering buckets filled with donations, The Tamar Center needs to proselytize young Thai women. These women are working to make a living for themselves, their children, and in many cases their extended families.
Here is a story the Tamar Center uses as propaganda. This section is from The Tamar Center’s website.
Real L.I.F.E. story:
“Lek’s Story (Name has been changed)
Before coming to Tamar Center, I had no education so the only way I thought I could make a living was selling my body. For eight years I worked in the bars on Beach Road in Pattaya. I did my best to take care of my three children during the day and I worked in the bars at night. Life was very hard. When I got HIV I had to stop working and could no longer take care of my children, so they had to stay in a shelter. I had no idea what I should do to support myself and my children until one day I heard about Tamar Center. I decided to join the training program at Tamar Center, where I learned a lot about the Bible and about unconditional love. I prayed for two things: First, I asked for a strong body so I could learn and work. Second, I asked to be reunited with my three kids again. Thank God for answering both prayers!
In the first three months of my training I gained 22 pounds and my health improved. I have also been reunited with my three kids and I am now able to take care of them. Before the training, when my children’s friends asked them what their mother did they couldn’t give a good answer. Now they can proudly tell their friends that I am a hairdresser. Through Tamar Center my life has been changed. I have received a lot of training and I have a good job as a hairdresser. I have God and I have my children, that’s all I need. I’m very thankful for the people who looked after me. They not only helped me, but also helped my children. Before I had no hope but now I have a future with hopes and dreams.”
This is a nice little story they would like you to believe. Let me walk you through this illusion. Almost every Evangelical Missiologist will acknowledge it takes an average of 7 years before a Buddhist is converted to Christianity. The statement, “I have God, and I have my children,” is very misleading. If you study Buddhism and Thai culture, you will understand that this story is fictional. Daniel Vaupal and his lying friends at the Tamar Center con the Evangelical Churches in the West. They portray a narrative of instant conversion. They portray a narrative of joy, happiness, and no more worries for this lady. They leave a lot out of the story. The honest narrative is they are in conjunction with Matt and Laura Parker. The bakery and the hair salon are fronts for a not-for-profit, but profit, money-making scheme. The Exodus Road claims not to be religious. However, the Evangelical Church is where they make their money.
Secondly, speaking of money, women can make a lot more money working in the beer bars than they can by going to work at the Tamar Center. The Tamar Center and The Exodus Road boast of women making 10,000 to 15,000 baht a month working in their indoctrination programs. But, when you speak to women working in the bars, they laugh at this amount. Women can make five times that amount! What Matt Parker and Daniel are doing is hurting Thai families. If I wanted to believe they were sincere, I would have to see a drastic pay in their own salaries. If the situation was so dire, and these women were in such need of “rescue,” then why the exorbitant salaries? I believe if you truly believe someone needs your help, then you will sacrifice, you will do what you need to do to help this individual. However, The Exodus Road and The Tamar Center have displayed greed, and selfishness for personal gain.
Lastly, let’s look at another motive for The Tamar Center to operate in Pattaya. It’s simple to understand, that they are spying operatives for “raid and rescue” organizations, such as The Exodus Road. The Tamar Center operates in the middle of the “red-light district.” Tamar openly admits they visit women in the bars throughout the city to tell them about an opportunity to “change their lives.” When they convince a woman to leave the bar, they are changing their lives alright. They are costing them money, and time! They are now a “propaganda slave.” The Exodus Road, and The Tamar center will hire a clever writer, and use their pictures to illicit donations from good-hearted Evangelicals. The Tamar volunteers are acting recruiters for a fancy for-profit, Non-Profit scam. These volunteers also work as spies for raid and rescue organizations. They sit in the bars looking for gaps and any advantages they can use to set up bar owners and staff. The Exodus Road has perfected this operational technique. They get a lot of press and a lot of donations by sending innocent bar owners and bar staff to jail.
It would be best if bar owners ban The Tamar Center Volunteers from their establishments. They are there only to recruit “slaves” for their bakeries and hair salons. Most women working in the bars only speak with them because they are buying them drinks during the recruiting attempt. However, the danger exists that they will succeed in luring a woman out of a good-paying job and into “NGO Slavery.” Finally, they are there to report back to Matt and Laura Parker of The Exodus Road. The Parkers will leverage any information they can gather to grow their personal bank account. The entire Narrative the Tamar Center portrays is an illusion.
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