Evangelical Greed and Lust: 

                                            How orphans suffer at the hands of NGO and Evangelical Leaders.

by Ted Lyons

Orphanage Images – Browse 16,949 Stock Photos, Vectors, and ...          At Afghan orphanage, boys from war's rival sides are best friends – The Denver Post

For the past several years unethical and unscrupulous NGOs have used various methods to dupe the Evangelical Church in the United States into giving money to nefarious activities. The Evangelical Church is guided by an “emotional pull” and a complete adherence to religious hierarchy. Church attendees will follow the leader like a well-trained puppy. Various evangelical leaders have joined forces with iniquitous NGO leaders for lust and greed. According to a Barna Group research study, the American Evangelical Church is the major donor to orphanages and vulnerable groups around the world. https://www.faithtoaction.org/barnastudy2021/

According to a report in the Christian Post, by Samantha Kamman, “Donors who believe they’re helping orphaned children in foreign countries may unknowingly be contributing to a trafficking scheme that consists of deceiving families and exploiting children for labor or sexual purposes, according to a recent study.” https://www.christianpost.com/news/donors-may-unknowingly-be-supporting-orphanage-trafficking-study.html

Unfortunately, loathsome leaders are professing good works, however, they are falling into temptation. Julie Roys, the founder of the Roys Report, calls this the “Evangelical Industrial Complex.” https://julieroys.com/gospel-meets-evangelical-industrial-complex/.  This is a network of ministers who work together in the creation of multi-billion dollar enterprises. It needs to be addressed in another article, however, Evangelical leaders collude with other famous leaders to further business adventures, speaking at conferences, book deals, and protecting each other while knowing they are in sexual relationships, abusing children, and degrading the people who work for them. Evangelical and NGO leaders and orphanage directors around the world have used psychological threats against anyone who gets in their way. They bribe police, politicians, and community leaders. They intimidate staff and victims with false theology and physical threats.

John Bevere, a “Hollywood” religious figure, published a book entitled, “Under Cover” Why your response to leadership determines your future. Bevere writes in his book that you should always obey spiritual authority. You should never question authority. He claims you are to be under the cover of those in spiritual authority in your church and religious organizations. The term “spiritual authority,” as explained by John is you are to obey because what the leader is telling you to do is what God wants you to do. This is reckless and dangerous theology. However, it’s what Evangelical leaders use to keep the flock in control and the offering plates flowing over with money. https://antihumantraffickingbadactors.com/the-mafia-boss-of-pattaya/

Kamman, quotes Rebecca Nhep in her previously referenced article that “there are countless ways for Christians to help end orphanage trafficking and support vulnerable children.” “We must start by becoming informed donors and volunteers and directing our support to community-based services for families.” NGO and Evangelical leaders do not want people to be informed. They peddle false narratives, expecting people to follow and obey. They don’t want the money being used for real-life solutions. They give just enough money to the needy to perpetrate the allusion of doing good, but in all reality, they are keeping multi-billions for themselves. This is a sad realization of “exploiting exploitation.” However, the more the evangelicals give, the more seditious these leaders will disrespect God. Kamman, again quotes Nhep, “The more well-meaning international donors and volunteers give their time and resources to orphanages, the more motivation unscrupulous orphanage operators have to recruit children from vulnerable families,” she stressed. “Instead, our resources can go toward community-strengthening services that help to keep families together.”

NGO and Evangelical leaders are fully aware that giving money to community-based services does not resonate well in the giving category. These leaders understand you have to have a victim and a hero. Of course, these leaders see themselves as the heroes who will ride in on the white horse and save everyone. These leaders will stop at no end to make money and keep power and fame in their lives. It has been proven through various studies that orphanage directors care more about the profit, rather than genuinely helping children. It has been reported in several outlets that orphanage directors will recruit normal middle-class children away from their families through false promises of higher education and job opportunities. It is easier to take care of a “normal” child than it is a child who is suffering from disabilities or trauma. This is all while they are being used as pawns in a money-making exploitation scheme, as well as in many cases being sexually abused and trafficked.  https://www.christianpost.com/news/donors-may-unknowingly-be-supporting-orphanage-trafficking-study.html

Kamman reports “numerous instances were cited in which clientelism was manipulated to facilitate the sexual exploitation of children in RCFs. In every case that involved sexual exploitation, directors were identified as perpetrators engaged in either sexual offenses or the procurement of children for child sexual exploitation.” Clientelism refers to orphanage directors, NGOs, and Evangelical leaders who are motivated by profit and use donations to bring more children into their care. Within these facilities, these unworthy leaders have the power and opportunity to exploit them sexually and for labor. The power dynamic is structured in such as way that only a few will benefit from orphanage care. Evangelical donations are supporting a salacious playground for politicians, and religious and NGO leaders.


It’s time the American Evangelical Church wakes up! You have been deceived for too long. Do you believe God wants you to stand by and do nothing? Do you believe God wants you to continue giving money into a cesspool of filth, greed, and lust? It’s time for the American Evangelical Church to research issues and organizations they are blindly giving their money towards. When a pastor or an NGO leader is living a million times better than the needy and vulnerable, it is time to change the structure. Children have been the pawns for evangelical leaders for years. However, the church continues to support and allow the abuse to continue.

Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-trafficking organization “Operation Underground Railroad,” was engulfed in controversy after the fictional movie, “The Sound of Freedom” was released. It was proven that much of the movie was fabricated. Ballard was also accused of sexual misconduct with female volunteers. This was also the case for Matt Parker. The Exodus Road was accused of sexual misconduct at grievous levels a few years ago. However, both, Ballard and Parker continue to be of use to evangelicals and their political allies. Both Parker and Ballard are master manipulators, storytellers (liars,) and driven by greed. Parker and Ballard know that they will be well compensated for helping their evangelical and right-wing friends win elections. https://antihumantraffickingbadactors.com/children-being-used-as-pawns-for-political-power/

The “exploitation of exploitation” is going to continue when good people continue to fund the lifestyles and activities of devious leaders. Fake orphanages will continue to operate with impunity. Children, their families, and their communities will continue to suffer at the hands of wicked individuals. Using the name of God, and manipulating good well-intending Christians is an abomination to all that is good and holy. How many more evangelical leaders will be caught in hypocrisy? How many more children will have to suffer at the literal hands of these leaders who “exploit exploitation?”  https://antihumantraffickingbadactors.com/matt-and-laura-exploiting-exploitation/


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