Children being used as Pawns for Political Power

Exploiting Children for Money and Power

The Exodus Road and it’s money-making scheme.




Ted Lyons

Biden's Open Border Policy Fuels Violence Against Women, Children | The Heritage Foundation


Matt Parker and The Exodus Road are co-conspirators in a filthy political scheme. Parker, the founder and leader of the nefarious organization The Exodus Road is in cohorts with the evangelical church and right-wing politicians in the United States. These three entities are driven and led by entrepreneurs, who are driven by fame, money, and power. All three entities are comprised of pathological liars. They have sold their integrity for the all-mighty dollar. Unfortunately, individuals are being deceived by the “false narrative” of child sex trafficking. Yes, child sex trafficking is a real issue! However, the facts and advocacy to help children have been distorted for personal gain.


The evangelical church is inundated with right-wing conspiracy theories and politicians. The three levels of this scheme begin with right-wing politicians, then evangelical leaders, and finally, NGOs to generate money through fictitious operations in foreign countries. It is difficult to assess their exact intentions, however, the base of this evangelical surge and donations given to NGOs is saturated in political power. The political chain of action begins with the evangelical church for a base of donors and a voting bloc. It uses NGO “superheroes” to give the illusion of protecting and rescuing children. Each individual builds their kingdom. Each kingdom makes a lot of money for its leaders.


The evangelical movement has been consumed with the issue of child sex trafficking for the past few years. It is consistent with right-wing politicians and their political posturing! This is an obvious political move on the part of the religious right. Sex trafficking is without question a heinous crime that is being committed around the world, and the numbers that the evangelical propaganda machine spews out are staggering. However, data is hard to consolidate. Human trafficking is a hidden crime, and it can be interpreted differently by different organizations and foreign countries. In striking hypocrisy, several right-wing evangelicals have been accused and arrested for sexual relationships with children.


How Politics Poisoned the Evangelical Church - The Atlantic


The evangelical church, which is in concert with right-wing politicians needed an issue to rally their base. So, they turned to “social justice.” The evangelical church is against gays, abortion, and immigrants, making it a hard path to traverse. In an attempt to refrain from being heartless towards the marginalized and the poor, evangelicals and the religious right turned to child sex trafficking. This issue would show that evangelicals were announcing the love of Jesus to the vulnerable and most at-risk. It doesn’t matter what the evidence is, the evangelical church and right-wing politicians will pay NGO “superheroes” to conjure up a false narrative in foreign countries. NGO hero, Matt Parker and his team of untrained “volunteer cowboys” continue to invade and harass innocent sex workers and bar owners. Matt and his wife Laura are well compensated for their crimes against the poor and their communities. It begins with their false charade!


The issue of child sex trafficking aligns with the right-wing agenda. The evangelical church could not justify its platform of anti-immigration on its basic merit. The Bible teaches Christians to embrace and love immigrants, however, in the zeal to win elections and consolidate their political base of power, a false narrative had to be concocted. Right-wing politicians used this false narrative to pass immigration reforms on the justification that sex trafficking of children was in abundance on the United States’ southern border. The chain of effect can be seen throughout the evangelical church, and the NGO “superheroes.” Matt Parker has capitalized on this horrible system of power and deceit.


Tim Ballard, the founder of the anti-trafficking organization “Operation Underground Railroad,” was engulfed in controversy after the fictional movie, “The Sound of Freedom” was released. It was proven that much of the movie was fabricated. Ballard was also accused of sexual misconduct with female volunteers. This was also the case for Matt Parker. The Exodus Road was accused of sexual misconduct at grievous levels a few years ago. However, both, Ballard and Parker continue to be of use to evangelicals and their political allies. Both Parker and Ballard are master manipulators, storytellers (liars,) and driven by greed. Parker and Ballard know that they will be well compensated for helping their evangelical and right-wing friends win elections.


The basic intentions behind this false narrative are to raise money and keep political power. The advantage for the right wing is they can frame child sex trafficking in a vernacular that no good-hearted individual would reject. In basic terms, the false narrative which is propagated by The Exodus Road and Operation Underground Railroad is disingenuous and harmful. If they cared about protecting innocent children, right-wing politicians, evangelical leaders, and Matt Parker would act very differently. However, this has nothing to do with ending the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children, and everything to do with protecting right-wing evangelical power, and the accumulation of money.

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